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Get Your Sezzle On!

One of the most common misconceptions that we hear from people that don't craft (or new DIYers) is that we make things with our hands "to save money." While we definitely think that getting crafty is an excellent value, the hundreds to thousands of dollars in our respective craft stashes indicate that we've shelled out big bucks for the pretties that we create with. We are willing to bet that you get that in a big way as well! Still, budgeting matters, and it's not always possible to pick up every Elsie B fiber that catches your eye at any moment. It can also be difficult to add higher ticket supplies to your repertoire, even when they increase speed and productivity dramatically. (I'm looking at you, spinning wheels!) The good news is that Created by Elsie B offers a good dozen payment methods. One of our more budget-savvy options is Sezzle. Sezzle allows you to make Elsie B purchases using four easy installments. Here's how it works!
Rosa Zerkle
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Taking It Out For a Spin - Combo Spin Pt. Two

As promised, we're back this week for part two of our combo spin tutorial. If you remember, we ended the first post with our five braids separated and remixed into spinning bundles of about one ounce each. We've had so much great feedback on this series, and we're excited to walk you through the process to complete this yarn. As we prepared for what we expected to be the rest of the story, however, it became clear that there was just too much to fit in one post. (Really, there's around three dozen photos!) So, this blog will cover the spin, and we'll come back and do a third and final installment where we show you the process that LeAndra went through to knit the finished project. So, get comfy, and let's get down to spinning, plying and twisting!
Rosa Zerkle
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