Crafting to Combat the Chaos

Wow, what an absolutely change-filled week this has been! Just seven days ago, we were gearing up for the March Year of Fiber orders (they're coming and are SO good!) and reminiscing about how awesome Alt. Summit was. Today, we're all fully versed in quarantine, virtual schooling, social distancing and how to navigate toilet paper shortages. (I'm looking at you, Costco shoppers!) On top of all that, northern Utah experienced an earthquake. (Wait. Are we supposed to shelter in place or run outside? Sheesh!) Still, we're holding it together here at Created by Elsie B and practicing self care, largely due to the perks of being creative people. While the cliche about idle hands is distinctly old fashioned, it comes from a place of truth - keeping yourself busy, occupied and productive is good for you. If you find yourself peeking out from between your blinds and seeing a whole lot of loopy out there, take a deep breath and grab your knitting needles; creative people have measurable advantages - we've got this!

Creativity and Mental Health

If you've ever repeated the statement that crafting is your therapy, you probably said it in jest. While it may have been a joke to divert your partner's attention from the size of your stash, there is actually truth to the whole thing. Making something with your hands gives people a distinct sense of accomplishment, is calming and helps your brain develop new neuro pathways and increase its resilience. (Seriously - there's actual studies!) The whir of a spinning wheel or gentle click of needles is a form of meditation, and it gives your brain somewhere else to focus when things are stressful or seem out of control. In fact, just being around creativity can result in stress reduction, so go ahead and pet your stash or organize your fiber if that's all you have in you right now. These are legitimate coping mechanisms that actually benefit your overall physical and mental health!

Social Networking for the Win!

One of the biggest advantages to being engaged creatively in a modern world is how easy it is to find community. The loss of social connections for many people has been sudden and quite dramatic. The good news is that virtual communities are already a significant player in the crafting world, and you are likely plugged into one or more groups of people who share your interests. One of the easiest ways that we connect with our Elsie B peeps is through our Facebook group and on Instagram. Without leaving the comfort (and safety!) of your home, you can shop for supplies, share projects and learn new skills and techniques. You might even find opportunities for local connections that can turn into knitting circles or lunch groups when you can jump back into your in-person social life. Reach out (figuratively, for now) - you're not alone!

Crafting with Kids

There has been a ton of chatter about the challenges of children with our current turn of events. Most states have closed schools, and kids that are usually out and about are home with a parent or sibling with way too much time on their hands. If you're looking for something to do with your kids, spinning is a great way to introduce children to the creative arts. We offer drop spindles for super cheap (seriously, they're 15 bucks & come with sample fiber you can spin right away,) and spinning is something that is totally accessible to elementary age kids. We include an instruction booklet with each drop spindle with links to our favorite resources for beginners, including YouTube videos. With just a single braid of fiber, you can consider this a pretty comprehensive beginner's starter kit that will keep kids busy for WEEKS.

Show Us Your Projects!

We can not tell you how much our customers mean to small businesses like ours! Not only do you allow us to do what we love, but you offer community, support and inspiration, and we never take that for granted. We totally get that things are a bit off right now and that some of you may be struggling emotionally and financially. We'd like to encourage all of you to take care of yourself by getting creative! Use the hashtag #elsiebgiveaway2020 through April 7 to show us you (and your kids'!) quarantine projects using Elsie B fibers. Post on either Facebook and Instagram, and we'll pick five people to receive a $25 gift card to the Created by Elsie B shop! Settle in, get spinning and come connect with your creative community. It's not only fun, but it's good for your mental health!

Thank you for being a part of the Created by Elsie B family! We're so grateful to have such a fabulous group of people that share our love of fiber. Stay safe out there, and be kind!

Rosa Zerkle

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