Ready to Ship

These items are all dyed & ready to ship out on the 10th or 25th of each month (our shipping dates)
The exception to that is when you combine Ready to Ship (RTS) with Dyed to Order (DTO) items, those will all ship once the DTO are complete.
185 results
'Summer Berries' Corriedale 4 oz
Targhee 'Abalone' 4 oz semi-solid hand dyed spinning fiber, blue dyed roving by the pound, Created by ElsieB combed top, wool roving
Top Whorl Drop Spindle, Beginner Drop Spindle, Spindle for Spinning Yarn, 1.8 oz wooden drop spindle, CreatedbyElsieB learning to spin yarn
Targhee 'Meadows & Mist' 4 oz silver hand dyed roving, green combed top, CreatedbyElsieB gray spinning fiber, brown wool roving by the pound
Targhee 'Wine Barrel' 4 oz brown hand dyed roving, green combed top, Created by Elsie B caramel spinning fiber, wool roving by the pound
Targhee 'Highlighters' 4 oz neon hand dyed roving, hot pink combed top, Created by Elsie B purple spinning fiber, wool roving by the pound
Sold Out
'Cabernet' Alpaca/ Silk 4 oz
"Great Lakes" Superfine Merino 4 oz
Rambouillet 'Spanish Rose' 4 oz pink spinning fiber, red hand dyed roving, black combed top, CreatedbyElsieB green wool roving by the pound
Targhee/ Bamboo/ Silk 'Dandelions at Dusk' 4 oz yellow spinning fiber, blue hand dyed roving by the pound, Created by ElsieB wool combed top
Only 2 left!
Rambouillet 'Pumpkin Ale' 4 oz hand dyed roving, tan combed top, brown spinning fiber, Created by ElsieB orange wool roving by the pound
UNDYED Combed Top - 4 oz
Targhee/ Bamboo/ Silk 'Tapenade' 4 oz semi-solid brown spinning fiber, hand dyed roving by the pound, Created by Elsie B wool combed top
Superfine Merino/ Silk 'Fairy Garden' 4 oz blue hand dyed roving, Created by Elsie B spinning fiber, purple combed top, peach wool roving
Only 1 left!
Targhee 'Atlantis' 4 oz hand dyed spinning fiber, blue dyed roving by the pound, Created by ElsieB mint combed top, wool roving by the pound
Only 2 left!
Superfine Merino/ Silk 'Bronze' 4 oz semi-solid hand dyed roving, Created by ElsieB gold spinning fiber, brown combed top, wool for spinning
Organic Polwarth/ Silk 'Romance Remembered' 4 oz wool silk roving, pink hand dyed wool, CreatedbyElsieB brown combed top, tan spinning fiber
Only 1 left!
Organic Merino 'Afternoon Tea' 4 oz green hand dyed roving by the pound, CreatedbyElsieB lilac spinning fiber, pink wool roving for spinning
Only 1 left!
21 micron Merino 'Peach Blush' 4 oz semi-solid combed top, pink spinning fiber, hand dyed roving, CreatedbyElsieB wool roving by the pound
'Lemongrass' Superfine Merino/ Silk 4 oz
Targhee 'Foggy Bay ' 4 oz semi-solid hand dyed spinning fiber, gray blue dyed roving by the pound, Created by ElsieB combed top, wool roving
Superfine Merino/ Silk 'Pine Sap' 4 oz semi-solid hand dyed roving, Created by Elsie B spinning fiber, brown combed top, wool for spinning
Superfine Merino/ Silk 'Forest Dewdrops' 4 oz brown hand dyed roving, CreatedbyElsieB spinning fiber, combed top, wool roving for spinning
Rambouillet 'Olive Green' 4 oz semi-solid combed top, green spinning fiber, hand dyed roving, CreatedbyElsieB wool roving by the pound
Organic Polwarth 'Sea Storm' 4 oz blue spinning fiber, brown wool roving for spinning, hand dyed roving, Created by Elsie B navy combed top
Sold Out
'Rhododendron' Merino/ Tencel 4 oz
Blue Faced Leicester 'Ice Cream Parlor' 4 oz pink combed top, BFL hand dyed top, blue spinning fiber, Created by Elsie B purple wool roving
Only 1 left!
'Sunflower Fields' Targhee/Bamboo/Silk 4 oz
Only 1 left!
Targhee/ Bamboo/ Silk 'Moorland Heather' 4 oz brown spinning fiber, purple hand dyed roving by the pound, Created by ElsieB wool combed top
Superfine Merino/ Silk 'Gold Rush' 4 oz brown hand dyed roving, Created by Elsie B spinning fiber, gray combed top, wool roving for spinning
'Lemonade Stand' Merino/ Tencel 4 oz
'Hot Air Balloon' Merino/ Seacell 4 oz
'Black Cherry' Corriedale 4 oz
'Chincoteague' Falkland Merino 4 oz
'Taupe' Targhee 4 oz
Corriedale 'Buttercup' 4 oz semi solid hand dyed yellow combed top, spinning fiber, wool roving for spinning, Created by ElsieB gold fiber
185 results
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